Monday, April 25, 2011

How to choose my first DSLR (Part 1)?

This is definitely the most asked question for anyone who has been using a compact camera and wants to upgrade to a DSLR. I'll try to answer this question here, based upon my experience and the knowledge I acquired from reading thru so many forums / reviews / blogs for the past few months.

I'll categorize the potential buyers into 2 groups:
Group 1) these people believe a DSLR will produce better pictures compared to a compact camera
Group 2) these people have an interest in photography, wants to upgrade their gear, skills and knowledge in photography and are willing to spend time to understand more before taking the plunge.

For group 1 users, the answer is very simple:
Just buy any DSLR within your budget, and that the camera feels good in your hands.
Some people may prefer brands than the feel. For users from this group, I say just buy whatever you want.
No offence, but from the interaction with users of this group, I've come to realize this: it doesn't matter what you tell them. They have already set their minds on a particular brand / model and they are also unwilling to learn more on the subject matter. They have the mindset that the DSLR is a point and shoot compact camera. And with this 'heavy investment', these cameras should behave the same as a compact, but deliver stunning results. This last statement is partially true, as DSLRs have a better and larger image sensor as compared to a compact. The image quality (IQ) produced will definitely be better. That is why, any DSLR will work for them.

( be continued in Part 2)

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